Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bachelor Auction by Vic Winter

TITLE: Bachelor Auction
AUTHOR: Vic Winter
PUBLISHER: Torquere Press
LENGTH: Short story (roughly 4.7k)
GENRE: Contemporary gay romance
COST: $1.29

Professor Jeremy Aberdeen, advisor to his college’s GLBT club, never expected to be put on the auction block for their bachelor charity fundraiser, nor did he expect to get the highest bid. But the biggest surprise of all is who won him…

I saw this Torquere title, remembered how fresh I initially found the previous title I read by this author, and decided to give it a shot. After all, $1.29 is nothing. I can dig that out of the change holder in my car, lol. While maybe I didn’t get a hugely rich reading experience, I did learn one thing. The author can curtail his own bad habits – i.e., the repetition I had problem with in the last story – and make it worthwhile to keep an eye out for him.

There is very little I can actually say about this short story. It focuses on the story and romantic aspects, with the smut at the end almost an afterthought. It’s sweet, maybe more than a little predictable, without really a lot unique about it. But I believed the characters, and I believed the moments, and in the end, that was enough.


8/10 – Simple, mostly clean prose


6/10 – Likable and sweet

Hero #2

5/10 – Not as sharply drawn, but it’s a short, and I’m oddly forgiving.

Entertainment value

6/10 – Exactly what the cover says. Just a sip. A sweet one, but a sip, nonetheless

World building

5/10 – The story focused more on the emotion than the detail, and it shows here.



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