Monday, February 13, 2012

Bust #2

I can't say I'm surprised it happened again that I'd try two stories and not have a review to show for it. So many menages are mislabeled, it's statistically logical it'll happen often enough on Mondays.

This week, I tried The Highest Bidder by Kimberly Hunter, but when Renji, the dominant hero, a successful business worth millions, is calling the young man he's known less than a day and spoken to mostly while the man was under the influence of drugs his soulmate, I knew it wasn't going to work for me. Maybe I should've suspended my disbelief enough not to care that someone so intelligent and capable would be so over-the-top romantic and unrealistic, but...yeah, I couldn't. This one was a big DNF.

So next I tried a menage, Sinful by Raina James. It's marketed as a menage from Siren, but in reality, it's a het erotic romance with the hero and heroine partaking in a menage right at the very end. Yes, it includes m/m contact, but it's a token curiosity on the part of the hero. He loves her, they get an HEA without the third anywhere in sight, and I'm sorry, but that doesn't constitute a menage romance. Not to me, anyway.

Hopefully, I'll only have one bust day a month. That wouldn't be asking too much, would it? Well. Maybe it would.

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