Friday, April 22, 2011

The Knight by Anna Leigh Keaton

TITLE: The Knight
AUTHOR: Anna Leigh Keaton
PUBLISHER: Cobblestone Press
LENGTH: Short story (roughly 7.5k)
GENRE: Contemporary menage erotica
COST: $2.99

The Pleasure Club satisfies sexual fantasies. Gwen’s is to live the fantasy of her name’s heritage – by having Arthur and Lancelot fighting for her favor…

After my harrowing last read, I wanted pure fluff and escapism. A short about a King Arthur fantasy seemed like the perfect choice.

The plot is simple. Gwen was named after her mother’s obsession, but at a young age, gave up relationships for academic and then professional advancement. Now, at thirty-one, she wonders if she let too much slip her by. She learns about the Pleasure Club by accident, and on a whim, checks them out. She ends up signing up for the only fantasy she can think of - two knights battling for her favor in Camelot. When she arrives at the arranged site, she finds a kingly Arthur and a bad boy Lancelot waiting for her.

I wanted fluff, I got it. This is pure erotica, its goal solely to give Gwen a sexual adventure of her dreams. There’s no HEA, no attempt at an HEA, and it finishes with her happy walk into the sunset (or middle of the night, as the case may be). She gets hunky and devoted husband Arthur ravishing her with his mouth, only to be interrupted by the dark and dangerous Lancelot. Attracted to the bad boy, she goads him into winning his fight, and he sets out to handle her far more roughly than the more genteel Arthur. At least until Arthur steps in and two become three. It’s easy and uncomplicated, a balm to my frazzled nerves from the horror I’d just read. I didn’t have to think, which is a good thing because there’s no attempt at depth here. Gwen is relatable, and if the two men are fantasy figures, well, that’s what they’re supposed to be.

This might not be anything deep or soul-searching, or even something I’ll remember much about a few months from now, but it was exactly what I needed to get over the hump created by my last read. I would like to know, though, does anybody actually find the word “anus” sexy? I fail to understand why authors use it in sex scenes. I know it’s anatomically correct, but it evokes decidedly unsexy images. At least for me.


7/10 – Occasional word choices are not sexy to me, but the read is smooth and harmless


6/10 – I’ve read hotter, but it works well in portions


6/10 – The men are fantasy figures, but Gwen has a relatable quality that rises above them

Entertainment value

7/10 – I needed the almost innocent fantasy of this after the horror novel I finished

World building

7/10 – For a fantasy, I would have believed it, too



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