Friday, March 2, 2012

Bust #3

I wonder how many of these busts I'll have by year's end? It may get to the point where it's useless me even mentioning it, but I try so hard to stick to my schedule (even when sometimes I end up missing it or running late because of real life issues) that it almost feels like cheating if I don't at least mention when I hit my snags.

Two het novellas failed to be interesting enough for me to bother with reviewing tonight. One, With This Kiss, a 40k novella from Wild Rose Press, bugged me with its pedantic prose and kind of skeevy hero, while the other, Tempest Moon, a historical paranormal from Cobblestone, had the awkward tendency to skip over the meaty conflicting scenes to go straight for the resolution, ultimately dissolving any sense of tension the story should've had. Neither one was worth the time I would have put into a review. Neither author is one I'll bother reading again, either.

My hopes of having only one bust a month are still workable, though the fact that I've got my March bust on the 2nd doesn't bode well. Fingers crossed my picking improves. At least until April.

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